Peevish's tenth performance, February 24th, 2002.
Medicine Hat Gallery, Portland, Oregon, appearing with Krausbauer/Eubanks and Uneasy.
Talking for Communication/Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now
Players approached the stage from the distant corners of the room, convering on the percussion.
Taylor - flute, drums
Ezra - piano, violin, drums
Wilson - slide whistle, drums
Joe - cornet, drumsSmooth Corners Predicate Oblongness (For Her)
Ezra - viola
Taylor - clarinet
Haymakers (Play by Wilson) First Act
Wilson - appearing as Kari
Joe - cornet, appearing as 1
Taylor - clarinet, appearing as 2
Ezra - piano, drums
M- J- is in the World
MAdam - kalimba
Ezra - viola, cornet
Taylor - flute
Joe - clarinet
Wilson - electric piano, effects
To Effect Change
Joe, Taylor, Wilson, Ezra - moving, gargling
Joey - drinking
Players play drums and diverge from stage playing other instruments into the recesses of the room
Joe - drums, cornet
Wilson - drums, guitar
Ezra - drums, violin
Taylor - drums, sax
Throughout the performance the following continued throughout...
MAdam - wall projections
Ongoing Prepared Chance Sounds
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